The Wine Drinker

This is the Dead Letter Office of my wine writing. These stories ended up not fitting on our company's Facebook page (Piedmont Wine Imports) or website,, for reasons that I think are clear once you scroll through a few posts. Less professional musings, impressions that ultimately never got past the rough prototype stage. Um... enjoy!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Money is a powerful motivator. SO I've been typing frantically this year, almost exclusively for the good people at Lantern, the the restaurant that pays my bills and makes my growing belly happy. I've been their beverage director for over a year now, and in that time I've learned more about matching wine with Asian-influenced cuisine than I could have ever imagined. So maybe check me out in their space, until I have time to write more here. should get you there. And if your local, hopefully I'll see you at Lantern for a meal.